
by Asphalt-IQ Ltd



"Powerplane-IQ" by Asphalt-IQ, Carbon management for road planing works is possible today. Working in conjunction with our smartcards, "Powerplane-IQ" enables you to calculate the total CO2e footprint of your planing project and immediately record those emissions before you leave the site. Traditional asphalt carbon calculation tools are very complex and there is no single international standard model.“Powerplane-IQ’s” Carbon Calculator is designed to be the quickest and simplest method of evaluating the emissions from all planing activities. The carbon emissions data and calculation algorithms used in “Powerplane-IQ” are sourced from several internationally recognised road infrastructure carbon calculation tools and directly from the planing machines themselves. Asphalt-IQ has aggregated the data into convenient, relevant, emissions categories and presents the results on an easy to use PC dashboard. Calculation is typically completed inside 2 minutes from opening the “Powerplane-IQ” App on site.Join the movement against climate change and erase your planing projects carbon footprint with “Powerplane-IQ”